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某酒店的ftp+哈尔滨工业大学研究生院ftp+河南理工大学匿名FTP [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2009-06-11 09:41:22
2009-06-11 09:23:31.890      正在连接服务器
2009-06-11 09:23:31.921      服务器连接成功,等待应答消息......
2009-06-11 09:23:32.046      220 Serv-U FTP Server v6.3 for WinSock ready...
2009-06-11 09:23:32.046      USER anonymous

2009-06-11 09:23:32.078      331 User name okay, please send complete E-mail address as password.
2009-06-11 09:23:32.078      PASS ******

2009-06-11 09:23:32.109      230 User logged in, proceed.
2009-06-11 09:23:32.109      SYST

2009-06-11 09:23:32.156      215 UNIX Type: L8
2009-06-11 09:23:32.156      CWD .

2009-06-11 09:23:32.203      250 Directory changed to /
2009-06-11 09:23:32.203      PWD

2009-06-11 09:23:32.234      257 "/" is current directory.
2009-06-11 09:23:32.234      TYPE A

2009-06-11 09:23:32.265      200 Type set to A.
2009-06-11 09:23:32.265      PASV

2009-06-11 09:23:32.312      227 Entering Passive Mode (60,191,0,36,173,14)
2009-06-11 09:23:32.328      LIST -la

2009-06-11 09:23:32.406      150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
2009-06-11 09:23:32.546      226 Transfer complete.

2009-06-11 09:28:11.593      正在连接服务器
2009-06-11 09:28:11.671      服务器连接成功,等待应答消息......
2009-06-11 09:28:11.750      220 Serv-U FTP Server v6.0 for WinSock ready...
2009-06-11 09:28:11.750      USER anonymous

2009-06-11 09:28:11.828      331 User name okay, please send complete E-mail address as password.
2009-06-11 09:28:11.828      PASS ******

2009-06-11 09:28:11.906      230 User logged in, proceed.
2009-06-11 09:28:11.906      SYST

2009-06-11 09:28:12.000      215 UNIX Type: L8
2009-06-11 09:28:12.000      CWD .

2009-06-11 09:28:12.093      250 Directory changed to /
2009-06-11 09:28:12.093      PWD

2009-06-11 09:28:12.203      257 "/" is current directory.
2009-06-11 09:28:12.265      TYPE A

2009-06-11 09:28:12.359      200 Type set to A.
2009-06-11 09:28:12.359      PASV

2009-06-11 09:28:12.437      227 Entering Passive Mode (202,118,250,233,18,78)
2009-06-11 09:28:12.437      LIST -la

2009-06-11 09:28:12.593      150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
2009-06-11 09:28:12.796      226 Transfer complete.

2009-06-11 09:29:50.218      正在连接服务器
2009-06-11 09:29:50.296      服务器连接成功,等待应答消息......
2009-06-11 09:29:58.234      220-Serv-U FTP Server v6.0 for WinSock ready...
2009-06-11 09:29:58.234      220-09:29:28    - displays the current time on your PC
2009-06-11 09:29:58.234      220-Wednesday 10 June, 2009    - displays the current date on your PC
2009-06-11 09:29:58.234      220-
2009-06-11 09:29:58.234      220-0    - displays the number of days the server has been running
2009-06-11 09:29:58.234      220-6    - displays the number of hours the server has been running
2009-06-11 09:29:58.234      220-20    - displays the number of minutes the server has been up
2009-06-11 09:29:58.234      220-15    - displays the number of seconds the server has been up
2009-06-11 09:29:58.234      220-0    - displays the no. Kbytes uploaded to the server since server start
2009-06-11 09:29:58.234      220-19616723    - displays the no. Kb downloaded from the server since server start
2009-06-11 09:29:58.234      220-0    - displays the no. of files uploaded to the server since server start
2009-06-11 09:29:58.234      220-138    - displays the no. of files downloaded from the server since server start
2009-06-11 09:29:58.234      220-16205    - displays total no. of logged in users since server start
2009-06-11 09:29:58.234      220-859.817    - displays the average server throughput since server start
2009-06-11 09:29:58.234      220-849.487    - displays current server bandwidth use
2009-06-11 09:29:58.234      220-
2009-06-11 09:29:58.234      220-Unlimited    - displays the maximum no. of users, as set in 'Settings - Domain'
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-Unlimited    - the maximum no. of anonymous users, as set in 'Settings - Domain'
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-    - displays the user's login name
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-    - displays the user's IP number or name if available
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-/C:    - displays the user's current directory
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-C    - displays the user's current disk drive
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-8368.31    - displays the amount of free space on the user's current disk in Mb
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-0    - displays the number of files uploaded by the current user
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-0    - displays the number of files downloaded
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-0    - displays the total number of files transferred
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-0    - displays the number of Kbytes uploaded by the user
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-0    - displays the number of Kbytes downloaded by the user
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-0    - displays the total number of Kbytes transferred
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-0    - displays the total connect time in minutes
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-0    - displays the connect time in seconds - to be used with '0'
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-1    - displays the 'upload' ratio part for UL/DL ratios
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-1    - displays the 'download' ratio part for UL/DL ratios
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-0    - displays the current download credit for UL/DL ratios (Kb or 'files')
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-0    - displays how much disk quota is used in Kb
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-Unlimited    - displays how much disk quota is left in Kb
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-Unlimited    - displays the maximum amount of disk space that can be used in Kb
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-187    - displays the current number of Serv-U users connected
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-92951    - displays the number of users since the server was started
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-92951    - displays the number of users in the last 24 hours
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-165    - all currently logged in anonymous users
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-158     - all anonymous users logged into this IP home
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-22     - all non-anonymous users currently logged in
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220-29    - all non-anonymous users logged into this IP home
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      220 187    - all current users with the current user name logged into this IP home
2009-06-11 09:29:58.250      USER anonymous

2009-06-11 09:29:58.312      331 User name okay, please send complete E-mail address as password.
2009-06-11 09:29:58.312      PASS ******

2009-06-11 09:29:58.375      230 User logged in, proceed.
2009-06-11 09:29:58.500      SYST

2009-06-11 09:29:58.578      215 UNIX Type: L8
2009-06-11 09:29:58.578      CWD .

2009-06-11 09:29:58.718      250 Directory changed to /
2009-06-11 09:29:58.718      PWD

2009-06-11 09:29:58.843      257 "/" is current directory.
2009-06-11 09:29:58.843      TYPE A

2009-06-11 09:29:58.984      200 Type set to A.
2009-06-11 09:29:58.984      PASV

2009-06-11 09:29:59.093      227 Entering Passive Mode (218,196,240,23,17,206)
2009-06-11 09:29:59.093      LIST -la

2009-06-11 09:29:59.218      150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.
2009-06-11 09:29:59.218      226 Transfer complete.

只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2013-10-19 13:53:59
只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2013-10-21 17:01:32
只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2013-10-21 17:03:34
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只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2023-10-09 10:54:30