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主题:Autodesk Revit 2021.1.7永久激活
pony8000发表于 2020-04-09 07:49
Autodesk的另一套工程和设计程序是为建筑信息模型(BIM)设计和制造的Autodesk Revit软件系列。改进项目成果的多领域 BIM 软件该集合的名称源自Revitalization和Revitalize一词,表示赋予生命和赋予生命,并显示了此软件在创建复杂设计中的强大功能。

使用 Revit 软件生成一致、协调、完整的基于模型的建筑设计和文档

Revit 包含适用于建筑设计、MEP 和结构设计、详细设计和工程设计及施工专业人员的工具

使用 Revit 进行分析和仿真,并通过云进行连接来改进设计
配合使用 Autodesk 具有互操作性的软件和服务,扩展 Revit 的功能
在 BIM 360 平台上连接项目团队和数据
The Autodesk BIM development team is pleased to announce the availability of Revit 2021 R1. This update includes new features, enhancements and also fixes to various user-reported issues from the previous release, providing an overall more stable experience.

What's New in 2021.1

Shared Views
Collaborate with team members who do not have Revit by sharing 3D views of your model securely in the cloud. You create shared views and then share the link with team members. Add comments and replies directly to the shared view.
Reset Shared Coordinates
With this feature, reset shared coordinate relationships between linked models with one command. Shared coordinate relationships in the host model are reset and the survey point is moved back to the internal origin of the model. This makes it easier to re-establish positioning relationships between linked models.
Export STL
You no longer need to install an add-on to export STL files. Export STL files directly from Revit for use in 3D printing your models.
Quickly Identify the Rebar Host
You can now more easily identify the host for one or more selected rebar sets, area or path reinforcement. Select a rebar set and click Modify | Structural Rebar tab Host panel (Select Host), to switch the selection from the rebar to its host. Alternately, select one or more rebar, right click and choose Select Host.
Enhanced FormIt Converter
Visual and material fidelity of models converted from FormIt and opened in Revit have been enhanced. Materials from FormIt models display with the correct rotation and scale. Curved elements from FormIt models display closer to the original appearance when opened in Revit.
P&ID Modeler supports Europe data centers
P&ID Modeler for Revit supports Europe data centers. Revit can now connect to Plant 3D Collaboration projects on Europe data centers.
New in Generative Design Release 21.7.14 - July 2020
- Drop-down nodes as study inputs. When creating a new study using Dynamo for Revit, you can use drop-down nodes as study inputs. After exporting a study with a drop-down input, select that study in Generative Design in Revit. In the first section of the Define Study dialog, a drop-down list shows options specific to your Revit model. For example, instead of selecting a family instance from the model (such as a desk for the Workspace Layout study), you can select the desired family type from a list. This feature simplifies and streamlines the process of defining a study. To reflect this change, in the Define Study dialog, the heading "Select in model" is now "Select".
- Renamed tags in Dynamo graphs: In a graph, Dynamo displays a "Renamed" tag for any input nodes or output nodes that were renamed. In graphs for Generative Design, the input and output nodes are typically renamed, so you may notice these tags in the graphs. This is due to a new feature of Dynamo.
- For a case study that uses generative design for a restaurant layout that follows physical distancing guidelines.
Issues resolved
- You can launch the Explore Outcomes dialog at any combination of scaling settings and screen resolution.
- On the Explore Outcomes dialog, the Delete option is available only when a study is completed or paused. Delete is not available when a study is running
- On the Explore Outcomes dialog, the parallel coordinates chart renders the data correctly for studies that have the same value for every outcome in the final axis.
Known issues
- If the name of a Dynamo graph contains an apostrophe (a single quotation mark), the graph does not produce outcomes correctly in Generative Design. To avoid the issue, omit this character from the graph name.
Create an Alignment from InfraWorks Data (What's New in 2021.1)
Civil Structures can be exported to Revit from a future version of InfraWorks using the Export Civil Structures workflow. In Revit, under the Add-Ins toolbar, select Import Civil Structures. Once the bridge model has been loaded in Revit, the Alignment can be displayed and labeled in both 2D and 3D views. Annotation Stations and Station Sets can then be added to the alignment.
Improved CAD Import
Improvements make importing SAT and rhino files more reliable than in previous releases. Incidents of not being able to import geometry are reduced. SAT and Rhino files will have better fidelity when imported.
SketchUp 2020 Support
Added support for the import of 2020 format SketchUp files.
Additional Unit Types
To better support information workflows, many new unit types are available for use in parameters. New units include:
Air Flow Density: Cubic Meters per Hour Square Meter
Air Flow/Volume: Cubic Meters per Hour Cubic Meter
Air Flow, Flow: Cubic Feet per Hour, Liters per Hour
Angular Speed: Revolutions per Minute, Revolutions per Second
Cost per Area: Cost per Square Foot, Cost per Square Meter
Cost Rate Energy: Cost per British Thermal Unit, Cost per Watt Hou
Cost Rate Power: Cost per Briti


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