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[媒体工具]RealPlayer Final [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2011-01-28 17:54:16
RealNetworks正式发布了RealPlayer 最新版本,作为RealPlayer家族最新一代播放器,不仅延续了一贯的技术领先,以 人为本的产品理念,而且将视频下载,格式转换,移动设备传输等新增实用功能集成一体,实现了真正的一站式服务。除 此之 外,RealPlayer顺应社会化媒体发展潮流推出的视频分享功能,支持开心网、Facebook等主流SNS社交平台,轻松上手,简单易 用,Web2.0的精神在 RealPlayer身上得到了完美体现。Real作为播放器产业的领导者,凭借强大的研发实力及对用户需求的深入理解,相信RealPlayer将会带 给您全新的互动娱乐体验。
下载:RealPlayer Final

Video Features:
• Universal Player. Play every major media type, including Flash, Quicktime MPEG–4, Windows Media, DVDs and CDs.
• High Quality Video. Enjoy HD and near DVD–quality video and audio with your broadband connection.
• Works with iTunes. Transfer your favorite videos from thousands of Web sites to your iTunes library.
• LivePause & Perfect Play. Pause, rewind and fast–forward through live audio or video clips while they play. Create your own instant replays.
• Built-In Media Browser. The built-in media browser lets you to surf the Web while you're playing video clips or listening to music.

Audio Features:
• Advanced CD Burning. Rip, mix and burn CDs and MP3s fast. Normalize volume across your CD, set up crossfades and remove gaps between tracks.
• Advanced Audio. Take control with a 10–band equalizer. You can even convert vinyl, tape and voice to digital files.
• 10–Band Graphic EQ. Optimize your sound exactly the way you like it with a 10–band graphic equalizer. Adjust your EQ for room size, input type, and more.
• Crossfade. Crossfade between songs and add reverb to give your mixes a professional edge.
• Multiple Audio Formats. Supports audio CD, MP3, WMA, AAC, RealAudio Lossless, and many more.
• Surround Sound. RealPlayer supports 5-channel audio and a dedicated sub-woofer channel.
• RealAudio Lossless Format. Our new format allows you to burn high-quality CDs using only half the disk space of the standard CD audio format.
• Visualizations. Make your music look as cool as it sounds with many colorful, animations that move to the music.
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