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[行业软件]Trimble Tekla Structures 2024 SP1 中文 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 倒序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2020-03-16 08:44:46
Tekla Structures2024破解版(以前称为Xsteel)是Trimble面向土木工程师,承包商的功能强大的BIM软件(建筑信息模型的缩写)。该软件为用户提供了绘制3D模型并提取二维地图的环境。该软件构建的模型可提供构建适当的建筑信息系统所需的精确而可靠的信息。使用此软件,您将在公司中体验到更加流畅的工作流程。Tekla Structures与所有材料兼容,可用于建造最复杂的建筑物。
用户使用Tekla Structures来建造体育场馆,石油钻机,发电厂和工厂,住宅建筑,桥梁和塔楼。您可以使用Tekla Structure将任何材料应用于建筑物,甚至可以对建筑物使用多种材料。该软件可以通过各种分析来分析项目。它还可以与A&D以SDNF,CIS / 2,IFC等著名格式交换文件。链接到A&D的好处包括协调和仿真模型,地图和报告,以及优化变更管理,以便工程师和设计师可以同时从事同一项目。Tekla Structures拥有30多种不同的工作环境,并支持14种不同的语言,这使得在世界各地使用软件成为可能。

Tekla Structures是一种综合解决方案,可以使用各种结构材料(例如金属结构,预制钢筋混凝土产品和整体混凝土结构)显着提高工业和民用建筑的设计生产率。

Tekla Structures是一种建筑信息模型(BIM)软件,可让您根据任何材料和任何复杂性创建和管理准确,详细,易于使用的3D模型。 Tekla Structures模型可以在整个施工过程中使用,从草图到生产,安装和施工管理。
Tekla Structures可以与其他现有应用程序一起使用,也可以单独用作开发自己的工作流程的平台。开放平台支持互操作性和标准化。 Tekla Structures通过使用Microsoft.NET技术实现的应用程序编程接口,通过Tekla Open API与各种系统接口。例如,Tekla Structures支持以下标准格式:IFC,CIS / 2,SDNF和DSTV。 Tekla Structures支持本机格式,例如DWG,DXF和DGN
Tekla Structures配置:
Tekla Structures的“全面详细说明”是一种多功能配置,其中包括用于金属结构,预制混凝土产品和整体混凝土产品详细信息的模块。创建钢和混凝土结构的三维模型,以及自动生成图纸KM和KMD。
Tekla Structures,钢结构细部设计是用于钢结构设计的配置。用户可以创建任何金属结构的详细三维模型,并接收该项目的所有参与者使用的用于生产和覆盖的相应数据。
Tekla Structures,预制混凝土细部设计是一种标准配置,并补充了预制混凝土结构的重要预制特征。用户可以创建混凝土结构的详细三维模型,并接收与项目中所有参与者一起使用的有关生产和安装的相关数据。
Tekla Structures,钢筋混凝土细部设计是一种标准配置,并补充了用于对整块钢筋混凝土产品进行细部设计的重要功能。用户可以创建整体钢筋混凝土产品的详细三维模型,并接收与项目所有参与者一起使用的有关生产和安装的相关数据。
Tekla Structures,Engineering是支持同步设计的标准配置。设计内部工程系统的金工和工程师可以在共享模型上进行协作。Tekla结构是用于设计各种结构的极其灵活的复合体。
Tekla Structures最适合开发以下建筑文档集:
  • KM-金属结构。计算和图纸。
  • KMD-金属细节构造。
  • KZh-钢筋混凝土结构。
  • KD-木结构。
在Tekla Structures中,可以制定其他施工图集,但是应更加仔细地评估其可行性。
使用Tekla Structures的主要优点:
  • 对计算机的要求极低。结果,可以在标准计算机上创建极大的模型。
  • 在一个项目上同时工作大量工程师的能力-多用户模式。
  • 自动搜索相同的零件。零件和运输印章(组件)KMD的自动编号。
  • 在装配图(KMD)上自动标记零件编号。
  • 在接线图(KMD)的图纸中自动标记组件(装运标记)。
  • 自动生成具有尺寸(CMD)的单个零件的工程图。
  • 自动生成装配图(KMD)。
  • 自动生成钢筋混凝土结构图纸。
  • 自动生成工程图中的任何表格数据。
  • 自动生成任何报告:文本和EXCEL格式。
  • 能够在打印机上以各种文件格式批量打印整个项目。
  • 使用上传到数据库与其他程序交换数据的能力。与1C的便捷通讯。
  • 在项目中包含大量第三方程序的3D模型的能力。
  • 自动生成文件以控制CNC机床。
  • 自动更新图纸,删除不相关的图纸。
  • 不可能发布尺寸与3D模型不一致的工程图。
  • 编辑器设置的灵活性。
  • 用于创建连接的便捷界面。
  • 总体性能高。

Tekla Structures软件的功能:

-使用求解器,不同的设置和环境:Tekla Structures是可以定制的求解器软件,以满足不同的用户需求。
建筑信息系统的开源:尽管Tekla Structures对BIM采用开放式方法,但您可以使用其他公司的解决方案并在Tekla进行改进。使用TeklaOpenAPI可以轻松扩展和改善Tekla的业务。
Trimble推出了用于高级建筑信息模型(BIM)的Tekla软件的最新版本-Tekla Structures 2020 SP5 build65293。除了修复之外,该Service Pack还提供了有益的改进:文档管理器现在具有用于多个命令和尺寸标记的新的快速访问按钮。放置得到了改善。2020 SP5:新功能和改进文档管理器中新按钮现在,可以使用顶部的按钮快速访问命令“锁定”,“解锁”,“冻结”,“冻结”,“标记准备发布的图形”,“标记准备发布的图形”,“发行”和“未发行”。对话框的。您可以通过单击按钮旁边的箭头来隐藏这组按钮。这些命令仍然可以像以前一样在上下文菜单中使用。




Tekla Structures 2023发行说明
从Tekla Structures 2020开始,如果在模型中启用了浇筑,Steel Detailing配置可进行浇筑建模。
简化Trimble Connect协作
新的VR模式和Trimble Connect Visualizer中的其他改进

Tekla Structures 2020修复列表:https://teklastructures.support.tekla.com/fixlist/2020
2020 SP7: New features and improvements

Changes in sharing pour units
The default value of the advanced option XS_CALCULATE_POUR_UNITS_ON_SHARING has been changed to FALSE. This means that Tekla Structures no longer automatically calculates and updates the pour units in shared models during writing out and reading in. Instead, each user can now run the Calculate pour units command in their local version of the shared model when they need up-to-date pour unit information.TTSD-42956

Texts in PDF reference models
PDF reference models now have better coverage for texts. TTSD-43317

New control for forcing IFC object category in IFC2x3 export
The IFC2X3 export does not export steel secondary objects as IfcDiscreteAccessory from now on. You can force previous categorization by setting the new advanced option
XS_IFC2X3_EXPORT_SECONDARY_AS_DISCRETEACCESSORY to TRUE in an .ini file, for example, teklastructures.ini.TTSD-5900

Trimble Connect Visualizer: updated material appearances
The appearances of the following pre-defined materials have been updated in Trimble Connect Visualizer: Concrete, Glass, Grass, Ground, Steel, Timber
In the image below, from left to right, you can see the new appearances of steel, concrete, timber, glass, ground, and grass.TTSD-42983

Improvements in concrete components

Beam reinforcement (63)
On the Parameters tab, you can now select to create side bars as rebar groups. Previously, all side bars were created as separate single bars.TSAC-5168

Corbel reinforcement (81)
On the Transverse stirrups tab, you can now select that only one open U-bar is used as the transverse stirrups. TSAC-5154

Concrete console (110)
On the Parameters tab, there is a new cut type around T-beams. With this new option, you can add an additional cover thickness to the created openings.TSAC-5158

Embedded anchors (8)
On the Placement tab, you can now select whether to detect braced girders in the whole assembly.TSAC-4806

Hole reinforcement for slabs and walls (84)
On the Picture tab, you can now define the cover thickness separately for the horizontal and vertical edge bar groups.TSAC-4686


TSAC-5246 Concrete components Embedded anchors (8): When a polygon thickening in the insulation layer was created around anchors, the anchors were created at the bottom edge of the thickening and not at the top edge. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-5206 Concrete components Pad footing reinforcement (77): Previously, when the third zone had enough space for one rebar only, the rebar was not created. This concerned both the primary and the secondary bars. This has now been fixed. Additionally, you can now define in each zone that rebars are not created. The creation of just one rebar in each zone has been improved so that the rebar is now created in its proper position.
TSAC-5089 Concrete components Rebar coupler: Previously, the component did not identify the primary and secondary rebars based on the given primary side point. This happened when the Rebar coupler component was added to a rebar set. Now this has been fixed.
TSAC-5088 Concrete components Reinforced concrete stair (95): Anti-material created by the component is now always created in the correct position.
TSAC-4442 Concrete components Lifting anchor (80): The assignment of the main part has been improved. Previously, the created lifting anchors could in some situations get a non-steel embed as the main part. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-5208 Steel components Cold rolled sleeved (2): Previously, the component did not work correctly for steel sketched Z profiles. This has now been fixed.
TSAC-4879 Steel components Joining plates (14): Previously, galvanizing holes were not created correctly in the second end plate. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-43115 Import, export, interoperability Previously, rebars were excluded from pour units when the model containing the pour units was uploaded to Trimble Connect with the Upload model command. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-43025 Import, export, interoperability Reference models: Locked reference models could not be updated during the first refresh attempt even if the advanced option XS_REFRESH_ALSO_LOCKED_REFERENCE_MODELS was set to TRUE. This has now been fixed, and the reference models are updated normally.
TTSD-42922 Import, export, interoperability Trimble Connector: Overlay models now work even if you change the model folder location of the Tekla Structures model with the attached overlay models.
TTSD-42649 Import, export, interoperability IFC2x3 export: Previously, a broken solid prevented the IFC export. Now broken solids are skipped in the export. We recommend that you diagnose the model periodically, and fix possible model issues.
TTSD-42341 Import, export, interoperability IFC4 export: The property set property value conversion from option UDA value to true or false did not work. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-41552 Import, export, interoperability IFC2x3 export: Shop welds now belong to the assembly in all export types.
TTSD-41379 Import, export, interoperability Export drawings to DWG/DXF: The export sometimes placed views to overlapping places when Model space coordinates was set to Local. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-40630 Import, export, interoperability Reference models: Earlier, detailed object level settings did not work for reference models in drawings. This has now been fixed. Particularly, it is now possible to show different reference models with different colors.
TTSD-40172 Import, export, interoperability IFC4 export: IfcReinforcingMesh has been added to the IFC property set management.
TTSD-32952 Import, export, interoperability Reference models: A LandXML reference model sometimes had invalid alignment geometry. This has now been fixed. Note that you need to delete and reinsert the reference model if the data has changed.
TTSD-29244 Import, export, interoperability IFC object conversion: The following changes have been made in Copy properties to UDAs: You can now copy Material to UDA.You can now copy Object type to UDA with ObjectType.
TTSD-5900 Import, export, interoperability IFC2X3 export: The export does not export steel secondary objects as IfcDiscreteAccessory from now on. It is possible to force previous categorization by setting the new advanced option XS_IFC2X3_EXPORT_SECONDARY_AS_DISCRETEACCESSORY to TRUE.
TPLED-196 Templates and reports Template Editor: Using the CopyField function to a target valuefield that is not output sometimes still created an output. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-43157 Drawings The stability of radial grids in drawings has been improved.
TTSD-43068 Drawings The deletion of the main part of a drawing is no longer reported as an inconsistency in Diagnose & repair model.
TTSD-42933 Drawings When working in drawings with different amount of views it could happen that Tekla Structures would crash at some point. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-42834 Drawings Rebar pull-out pictures are now drawn more reliably.
TTSD-42726 Drawings Tekla Structures application error no longer occurs when you inquire a rebar set in a drawing.
TTSD-42354 Drawings Reinforcement marks attached to a rebar set are now cloned correctly.
TTSD-42175 Drawings A reinforcing mark template in a drawing now works correctly for rebar sets.
TTSD-42155 Drawings If moving a view from a drawing to another drawing does not succeed, the view stays in the original drawing. Earlier, the view was removed from the original drawing.
TTSD-41011 Drawings Layout editor: The tables in the Tables in use list are now shown in alphabetical order again.
TTSD-40866 Drawings Dragging drawing dimension points in a drawing now disables the dimension combining.
TTSD-40630 Drawings Earlier, detailed object level settings did not work for reference models in drawings. This has now been fixed. Particularly, it is now possible to show different reference models with different colors
TTSD-38056 Drawings Previously, grid line labels were sometimes placed incorrectly when modified. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-34845 Drawings Moving views between drawings now works more reliably.
TTSD-33022 Drawings Drawing layout (.lay) files whose names are longer than 63 characters are no longer available in the Layout list in drawing properties because Tekla Structures does not allow the use of layout files with names over 63 characters.
TTSD-21184 Drawings The XS_IGNORE_CUT_VALUE_IN_TEMPLATE advance option now works correctly when its value is set in an .ini file.
TSAC-5247 Drawings Drawing 2D Library: An application error sometimes occurred due to a large amount of details in the Drawing 2D Library. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-42962 System and options The XS_CONNECT_UPLOAD_MODEL_FOLDER advanced option has been moved from the Components category to the File locations category.
TTSD-42747 Reinforcement When creating a rebar mesh using the properties loaded from a settings file, the mesh type was not correctly applied. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-42663 Reinforcement Rebar set creation could in some rare cases freeze Tekla Structures. This has now been prevented.
TTSD-40552 Reinforcement Rebar sets now work better when modifying magnetic grid lines. Earlier, rebar sets did not at all adapt to magnetic grid line changes.
TTSD-40508 Reinforcement Rebar sets: All rebar set modifiers and splitters now adapt when a part is modified.
TTSD-39497 Reinforcement The rebar set property modifier grouping option Manual has been extended so that it is now possible to group bars that are not side by side or that are on different sides of an opening.
TTSD-32094 Reinforcement Rebar sets: Modifiers and splitters now adapt to the new geometry when copying rebar sets by using the Copy special > To another object command.
TTSD-43047 Modeling Tekla Structures now correctly displays rebar sets when using the Assembly > Show Assembly command even if reinforcement is defined as hidden in the display settings.
TTSD-42864 Modeling In corrupted multi-user models that contained assemblies with main parts missing, creating reports with the SUPPLEMENT_PART_WEIGHT template attribute caused crashes. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-42659 Modeling Previously, when you numbered parts that had been copied, the copied parts sometimes got a different number than the original part. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-41718 Modeling Previously, plates and slabs could rotate or move unwantedly after you had made two or more consecutive edits to the plate, for example, by modifying the chamfer point values, and the plate had been on a different work plane than the global coordinate XY plane. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-39184 Modeling When using the Create weld to part command to create welds, the weld preparation is now correctly displayed in the model. Previously, you had to refresh the view to correctly display the weld preparation in the model.
TSAC-5172 Modeling Linear array tool does not duplicate copies anymore if the source object has been selected several times.
TTSD-43425 Tools and components Previously, there could be an error when you opened a new model while searching in the Applications & components catalog. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-41526 Tools and components Previously, the custom component editor mode could not be closed when saving the component failed because of missing plug-ins. This has now been fixed.
TTSD-40871 Tools and components Using a mathematical constant, such as PI or e, as a parameter name is not possible anymore in custom components.
TTSD-40870 Tools and components Variable names that contain mathematical operators (+,-,*,/) cannot be used in the custom component editor anymore.
TTSD-42900 User interface Previously, there were issues related to how some special characters were displayed in the property pane. The handling of special characters has now been improved.
SOLD-1584 User interface The Tekla Structures Sign in dialog box is now shown in the selected Tekla Structures language. Previously, it was shown in Simplified Chinese even if Traditional Chinese was selected as the Tekla Structures language.
TSAC-5234 Import, export, interoperability (concrete) Export Unitechnik (79): Previously, line attributes were not correctly exported when there was a cut part former too close to the contour edge. This has now been fixed.


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只看该作者 沙发  发表于: 2020-03-16 09:07:01
Tekla Structures 2020 Build 56544 + Environments 破解版

只看该作者 板凳  发表于: 2020-03-16 21:04:12

只看该作者 地板  发表于: 2020-03-17 12:21:23
Tekla Structures 2020 Build 56544 + Environments 中文破解版

只看该作者 地下室  发表于: 2020-03-17 12:44:50

只看该作者 5 发表于: 2020-03-17 19:47:33
Tekla Structures 2020 Build 56544 + Environments 中文破解版 刚发布就破解了,好快
软件下载咨询 sdbeta@qq.com

只看该作者 6 发表于: 2020-03-18 09:22:02
Tekla Structures 2020 Build 56544 + Environments 破解版

只看该作者 7 发表于: 2020-03-18 16:54:56

只看该作者 8 发表于: 2020-03-20 01:25:30

只看该作者 9 发表于: 2020-03-21 16:37:16