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[行业软件]Intrepid Geophysics GeoModeller 2023 v4.2.0 x64 [复制链接]

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只看楼主 正序阅读 使用道具 楼主  发表于: 2020-04-23 10:25:47
GeoModeller2021一款功能强大的三维地质建模软件,使用可帮助用户快速的构建复杂,稳态,隐式3D地质模型以及直接从您的项目执行正向和反向地球物理建模。可从各种数据源构建隐式3D地质模型,这些数据源在空间方面是丰富的或稀疏的(映射,钻孔,解释的横截面,远程传感图像,来自磁力的深度转换解释约束,重力,地震,EM等。)GeoModeller还促进潜在场地球物理学的正向和反向建模,包括全张量梯度测量,以优化3D中最可能的地质和岩石属性。该软件可以很好地处理复杂性,包括故障网络,折叠,翻转的地层,入侵和薄体。稳态隐式曲面受耦合的主要地质数据(接触点和结构方向)的约束。 3D地质表面通过“潜在场方法”进行插值,该方法用于表示结构数据(即使它可能不位于地质接触点上)。故障表面以类似的方式进行插值。GeoModeller采用基于规则的建模,坚持地层桩内的关系(侵蚀或侵入)以及设置故障网络(模拟故障年表).GeoModeller的钻孔管理器包括用于记录故障排除不当的比较和编辑工具。井下属性数据(例如,密度日志)可以通过地质统计功能和3D插值/克里金程序来管理。使用3D网格计算器还可以方便地处理和创建2D和3D网格和网格。,软件由直观的编辑器,钻孔和网格/网格管理器,以及用于2D/3D地球物理和地热建模以及机载EM反演的模块组成-您可以管理和解释具有全面功能的石油和天然气,矿物,地热,水文地质或工程项目和导入/导出选项。


6、3D光学约束,磁性或重力的随机反转(或两者共同),包括选定的分量张量。 对从完全岩石属性(固定几何)到完整地质几何(固定属性)的模型扰动的任何使用 - 设定比率执行反演。


Release Notes for GeoModeller 4.0.8

1.  Introduction
2.  New features
3.  New examples
4.  Executables

1.  Introduction
This document applies to GeoModeller 4.0.8

The GeoModeller product contains all documentation, cookbooks, datasets
and tutorials for:
  64-bit Windows Server 2008 R2 or newer, Windows 7 / 10
  This release will require your maintenance payments to be up to date in order to run.
  The LINUX version cannot be packaged, as yet, using the Debian methods that track all the versions
  for the dependent thirdparty libraries. The older packaging methods, using IZPACK and a zip file
  are compromised by the large set of upgraded packages now required.

2. New Features
*    Adopt International Geomagnetic Reference Field: the 12th generation (IGRF-12);

*    Support for UBC padded semi-regular grids import of property inversion result.
     The export of a UBC format 3D grid is also supported - just each formation
     contributes a property from the Geomodeller Geology model.
*    Upgrade the SEGY general support and a revised LookUp Colour Table to enable the
     usual Red/Blue conventions, around a zero veolocity. A flag to manage depth/elevation
     is added as well. Time/Depth conversions are still a post-import proposition.
*  Support for airborne electromagnetic geophysics datasets (EM). The commonly available
    EM survey datasets are line based and either Time domain or frequency domain
    soundings of the near surface terrain. The data measures the resistivity (inverse of the
    conductivity). Early time records apply to the near surface, and later time to
    the deeper terrain. The Reference manual is updated to include over 80 pages
    of explanation on this new feature. We support 1D inversion and 2D forward and inverse
    The AEM Wizard automatically creates a section for every flight line of data
    and allows you to access the original survey data, showing the Time or Frequency decay curves of the
    ground response to the principal electrical excitation impulse.
    The latest results viewer panel is geographically based and shows section results, profile misfits
    and noise and IP maps with flight direction indicated.
    The 2.5D joint inversion of electrical conductivity and the near surface response from IP, where present
    in survey data, is in the final stage of development. Intrepid only offer this 2.5D technology via a
    service bureau.
    The Apparent Conductivity and 1D AEM capabilities are for sale as an optional separately
    licensed module. The standard GeoModeller license includes access to the AEM wizard for results
    and original AEM survey data access. Results viewing is part of the standard GeoModeller base.
    This alone is quite significant, as it allows you to integrate and interpolate and
    pick formation tops and faults from AEM inverted products.

*  High quality meshing of any geology model, including creation, reporting on quality,
    exporting to industry standard formats. Includes variable mesh precision controls by formation,
    multi-threading and a statistical framework for assessing quality. There are many examples
    shipping with this version, that tie into the regional groundwater simulation and uncertainty.
    The evolution of this technology, based upon the underlying CGAL methods, are designed for
    balancing mesh quality where it is significant, and allowing a coarse mesh where this is adequate.
    This technology yields manifold and water-tight meshes to a designated precision.
    Adaptive Delaunay triangulation in 3D with shared faces for infinitely thin faults is also delivered.
    Solid volume meshing that is water-tight and physically admissible is a breakthrough with this release.
    The 3D anisotropic trends for the geology gradient are also reported as attributes of the mesh cells.
    A regional South Australian thin bedded sandstones, with faults and a Swiss Alps example are now
    included to demonstrate these capabilities. Example output meshes in VTK format are also shipped,
    so any user can see for themselves the type of output product that can be easily and routinely generated.
    Features also include fault network geometries (with a notional thickness) and thin conformal beds.
    The critical technical achievement here, is to find the triple lines, where formations
    and faults intersect. The co-kriging implicit function technology is used to find these first.
    This high precison/resolution geology meshing capability is separately licensed.
  * Stochastic Inversion revisions to algorithms. This has been prompted by collective requests for more fundamental
    testing and tuning of the novel geology constraints technology. Dr Richard Lane devised the methods of
    Commonality and Shape ratio being used for Probability Distribution Function (PDF) geology constraints.
    He first proposed the use of the Weibull PDF. We have updated our support for these methods with some further in-house
    testing and tuning to ensure that typical geological bodies can be reliably constrained to follow such PDF's.
    This inversion technology has been using the protobuf syntax for more than 5 years now and we have
    also taken the opportunity to make some minor fixes and enhancements to this API.
  * Exposure of the batch language API in the main tool, via a new File>Save As option.
    Various parties have requested access to an easy to use interface for taking existing geology models
    and making them available for uncertainty analysis. Of course, one can also cut and paste existing projects into
    a new project, as a result, and future proofing your geology interpretations also gets a lot easier, as
    the API language is a GOOGLE standard, and not dependent upon any one version of the code.
    As part of this exercise, the fuller realization of the geology model API has been extended
    to include the Folding elements and the Lithology properties for formations and dykes.
    An option to transform all section data to 3D results in significant speed up when
    doing parametric simulations of uncertainty.
    This includes access to all the new high fidelity meshing and geostatistical functionality for both
    conventional and domain kriging. All the geophysics function points were available in previous releases.
    Extensions for AEM are on-going.
    Around 60 example batch process tasks are shipped with this release. (see Examples below)
    All of these examples form part of the daily automatic test system.
*  Geological Uncertainty - There are many aspects to characterizing uncertainty. Several are added and revealed
    in this release. Since the early days of 3DWEG, now GeoModeller, the co-kriging technology had the ability to
    provide an estimate of the variance of the "potential field" at all points in your model.
    For a long time this has been ignored and a Dual kriging scheme used, leaving out the extra uncertainty
    calculations. This ability to have a variance calculated for all points in your model is restored at V4.
    The visualization of this uncertainty provides quite a challenge, so we restrict this to 2D sections for now.
    There is no full development of dumping this calculated variance term to the mesh grids as yet - do you want it?
    In the following Examples discussion, there is quite a bit on other aspects of the uncertainty story.
*  2D Viewer Presentation - automation of axes titles. Often, you may want to automatically
    prepare many section views for inclusion in a report. Typically, this might be required
    when you have loaded a geophysical line dataset, and have inversion, signal data, and a
    geology on section to report. There might be 100 sections plus for this to happen on, so automation
    of the standard presentation is supported now by using a MACRO ${section.name} to indicate
    the title of each view. Control over scaling and viewing West to East, South to North etc, are also included.
*   The new Navigator pane is exposed, and is designed to give access to the identifable, discrete datasets that
    you have been accessing over the previous period (multi-projects).
    The "examples", "tutorial" and GIT-HUB resources are all presented in this view for access by you.
    The new Navigator pane allows access to any VTK objects that might be present in projects and their properties.
    The Mesh Quality and Property panes may display quite useful information about these data objects.
    This explorer also allows access to property, console, and editor views - Try the double Click, or Pull Right menu options.
    Drag and drop of any VTK data object is partly supported in the 3D viewer. It is difficult to turn off graphical objects
    introduced into your project by this method.

*  Seismic data support - micro-seismic / passive seismic support, via point clouds and the MeshGrid facility
    continues to evolve. Reflective seismic support, ie SEGY, including the section creation feature is updated.
    Provision for 3D SEGY has started. 2D SEGY files that are already depth converted, will import and create a section
    with the seismic traces as a backdrop.

*  GIT-HUB resource - access to all older and revised tutorial material is directly available
    via the navigator view.
    The tutorials available prior to 2014 are still shipping at this release.
    One completely revised tutorial A, plus a new EM tutorial are shipping. The EM tutorial data
    has to be unzipped. The gravity/magnetics tutorial (was E, but now C), is updated.
    Instructions for how to access and contribute your own projects that you might wish to share with the International
    community of "GeoModellers" is soon to be forthcoming.
*  Support for tensor grids is now in place. The fully formed potential fields gradient tensor
    as well as the double horizontal tensor Falcon format, are supported in MeshGrids, Forward and Inverse
    situations, as well as the Results Explorer. A simple 6 band inter-leaved by line ERMapper
    grid format is used for this. Standard component order is XX, XY, XZ, YY, YZ, ZZ.
    Falcon order is Auv, Ane, Null, Null, Bne, Buv
*  The support for multi-threading and MPI has increased markedly with this release.
    MPI needs a system process (smpd) to be running in the background. This requires system administration.
*  WormE. GeoModeller has access to the option to generate gravity /or magnetic dataset worms from
    a suitable geophysical grid. The option is found under Geophysics. The tool
    is separately licensed and an evaluation is available for you to try.
    For gravity data, the faults in your basement are picked along with the plunge.
    The deeper the structure, the more pronounced and elongated the "worm".
    New to Version GeoModeller 4.0 is support for bulk importing of limited 3D faults
    as computed by this tool from standard gravity. A dip is estimated along each fault a number of times.
    The results show up as 3 csv files, one for the foliation, one for the interfaces,
    one for the limited extents.
    FTG grids are supported for dip calculations in V6.0 Intrepid, not here as yet.
    There is still no support for dip calculations for magnetic data.
    A "MERGE" faults option is also new, to enable clean-ups from the automatic import.
*   Some new hardware restrictions are being encountered because of library upgrades. OpenGL3 does not
    work on a remote server situation, unless an AMD graphics card is used.
3. New Examples
    In your GeoModeller installed directory, there is a new examples directory.
    This supplements the usual Tutorials and gives examples by user interests or focus.
    All of the examples are deliberatly posed as starting from a few basic geology
    observations, and you can "bootstrap" a 3D model, using the batch processing capabilities.

    The "GeoModeller" geology language is defined using GOOGLE protobuf formats  - see "gmtaskmodel.proto" -
    go to the bottom of this file for a summary of all function points in this API
    The geophysics modelling language is defined using GOOGLE protobuf formats  - see "invtaskmodel.proto"
    Any syntax errors will be reported down to line, column position by the GOOGLE parser
    depending upon the source of the required input data, as referenced in your task
    The older C API has header files and some sample stub programs here.
    GOOGLE publish tools for Python/Ruby/C++/Java bindings-

Getting Started
    Once you have installed GeoModeller, there are several ways to access the scripting
    language to run a repeatable process as captured in the "task" files
    From within an executing GeoModeller GUI session:
    In the Navigator view of GeoModeller, locate a task file you wish to launch,
    choose the right most green icon, with a white arrow, choose Run Configurations
    choose the plus (+), add Name, choose a task, set the working directory, choose Apply
    click right, and the Run As option is available.
    This is the standard toolkit support for launching processes
    from within GeoModeller, that is also used behind the scenes for long running tasks.

    Alternatively, a CMD window can be opened, by navigating to geophysics>3DInversion>Create Command Window
    This command window inherits all the path and environment variables required to
    execute the "geomodellerbatch" and "invbatch" etc tools.
    The PATH environment variable can be examined and will show an entry something like
    You can also set up a reference to the same bin directory, by modifying your system parameters,
    so that you can launch a command window from your windows start menu.
    You also need to run "geomodellerbatch" in this command shell
    and verify that the executable and jvm.dll is in the "path"
    Once tasks are executing OK, check the output, by running GeoModeller and opening the created project
    Geology Run Instruction:
    Anything with geology modelling with the following command:
    geomodellerbatch name_ofprocess.task
    Geophysics Run Instruction:
    Anything to with geophysics modelling with the following command:
    invbatch name_ofprocess.task
   There is a cross over to the geophysics processing available within Intrepid using the same philosophy and approach

   A lot more access to processing and auto-generating interpretations from geophysical datasets are accessible via this
   same protobuf messaging system.

**************************Examples Overview********************
Creating Geology
    Tutorial A is given again as a scripted set of processes for you to learn from.
    Other non-tutorial datasets/3D models that have featured over the years,
    such as a Salt Dome, Swiss alps "Zermat" and BetBet are given in the knocked down task file format form.
    The folded geology example features hinge-lines, axial surfaces etc.
Geology From Geophysics
    The examples here include one to take the Bouguer, terrain corrected gravity grid of
    Australia, and find the 900 most important crustal faults, and have these
    importable into GeoModeller, to create a 3D fault network.
    The second example is from the Anisotropic clustering tool, being applied to
    the Landers 3D seismic locations dataset, to find the best fitting 40 flat planes or fault surfaces
    and have these beconme a starting model in GeoModeller.
    The Ellipsoid test, is from Roger Clifton's random dipole for magnetic responses,
    to demonstrate a forward model that a massive ellipsoid body, buried and tilted
    might exhibit
    Airborne electromagnetic support is also a big part of GeoModeller V4
    All of the processing tools for AEM are driven by batch processes.
    Like many of the other aspects in the Intrepid/GeoModeller API,
    AEM has a large set of options and parameters that are needed
    to capture all the nuances and complexities.
    The Beverley project (HydroGeology) was modelled for the tops of 3 formations from
    the 2.5D inversion of Tempest data. As this data is public domain,
    Intrepid can supply the full geophysical datasets plus the inversion upon request, otherwise, consult GSSA.
Geology Uncertainty
    This follows from the UWA Target work, of modifying the structural foliation data in a GeoModeller
    project, and by sampling from a VonMies/Fisher distribution, generate a family of equally likely
    Geological models. The sample here is for Mansfield, Victoria, and has 10 variations
    all equally likely. The speed is enhanced by removing all 2D observations tied to a section and
    treating all observations as 3D points.
    The other example is from Saudi Arabia, and concerns reservoir simulations for uncertainty in oil recovery
    operations, and how effective a downhole well monitoring scheme might prove, depending upon the design
    of the monitoring bores, vs the stimulation wells, the thickness of the oil bearing strata, and
    the sensitivity of the geophysics signal that might be sensed. There is no example of the positional variance
    from the observations in your model as yet. A 2D section view is the only way to access this feature.
    Access to the geostatistics capability inside GeoModeller via the batch language is also
    demonstrated with these tasks.
    There are two examples of variogram calculation.
    The first is just from an external geophysics points database (Point cloud - Landers)
    The second is for down hole drilling data, but inside a GeoModeller project.
    Similarly, the Lady Loretta examples are for grade assay estimations, going from the drill data
    to 3D volumes, that are formation based.
    Lastly, we also give a Domain Kriging example, where the implicit 3D geology model is used to
    estimate the distance between samples, rather than the more traditional Cartesian coordinate distance methods.
    The trend of the geology, and how it has been deformed and folded, is taken straight from the geology model
    and used directly in the geostats calculations.
    The examples come from South Australia, and concern estimating the thernal gradients and temperatures, given
    a 3D model with the thermal properties.
    New to V4, is the formal support for CGAL meshing, leading to the ability to produce
    manifold and water-tight physical admissible meshing. This means simulation software
    such as MODFLOW and FEFLOW can take GeoModeller geology models and have structured layered
    and unstructured
    tetrahedral meshes that reflect best efforts at creating a satisfactory 3D geology model
    and not just the topography. We retain infinitely thin fault planes as our way of
    showing the conformal mesh for any number of cross-cutting fault or hydraulic barriers.
    The examples include the original Robin DuFour Swiss Alpes model (Zermat).
    From the North Flinders Ranges, South Australia, we have a regional thin body
    Beverley model. So 30 * 30km, but just 500m thick. 6 formations, with pinch-outs are part of this
    together with a few faults, picked from the AEM, and the GSSA interpretation.
    We also recycle Tutorial A for demonstration
    of meshing. The outputs sub-director shows samples of coarsely meshed versions of these models.
    The *.vtu version can be viewed in the free viewer PARAVIEW, and has fully attributed fields
    including geology gradient estimates.
    The link between implicit co-kriging  modelling of geology and 3D meshes is shown here for
    more generic example situations. The Mansfield model is used to create a mesh, a simple Dyke intrusion
    and a simple 3 formation, with a cutting fault etc. Importing older technology meshes
    into a GeoModeller environment (MeshGrid) is also featured (Petrel).

    The links between geology, geostatistics, and mining engineering are many and varied.
    An example that represent preliminary geological investigation work when another mining package
    is also being used in conjunction for planning stope shapes and development work.
    A second example from bulk mining, is based upon the Brockman Syncline, Western Australia.
    The region where a huge amount of Iron Ore mining occurs.
    Very simple methods are shown to demonstrate how easy it is to create a regional setting for the geology,
    then add the detail of faults and further geology refinements.
    We give some rock properties that are derived from back analysis of the observed geophysics.
    Determining the geology from AEM 2.5D inversion, can also be tied into parts of this region.
Passive Seismic
    The geothermal projects often involve the observation of FRACCING, or other passive seismic event records
    There are a couple of tasks to show how to bring these datasets into the GeoModeller MeshGrid structures, within your project.

Rock Properties
    The often neglected job of working on ways to best estimate bulk physical properties for your formations
    is shown by some workflow examples for gravity and magnetics. This is also described in the GeoModeller
    reference manual, via the GUI workflows. But here we have task files that do the same job, so enabling easier
    repeatable testing, as the models might be changed.
Stochastic Inversion
    From the original 2007 development work, by Richard Lane, we present the BetBet study from central Victoria.
    The whole process encompasses taking your best effort 3D geology model, and then using both gravity and magnetic data to drive
    constrained stochastic inversion processes and generate millions of equally likely
    but with small differences. The method for generating Histogram Stats, Movies and likelihood plots
    are also captured in the task files.
    An audit trail (including potential return values) is written to "geomodeller-batch.audit".
    and any errors are reported in "geomodeller-batch.rpt". Both files are located in the
    current working directory. Make sure to check these files since non-fatal errors do not
    result in a termination of the batch processing.
    quite a lot of the sub-tasks used in GeoModeller uses this message passing scheme
    so you may spot automatically generated *.task files appearing in your work directories.
Creating Task Files
    with V4.0, you can now convert any GeoModeller geology model back to its original sparse observations
    and the creation steps for defining the formations, faults and the geological pile.
File>Save batch script
    Options for refactoring your model, to eliminate any sections are also supported.
    Interactive GUI Execution of any of the batch tasks is now also supported in the Navigator/ view of your projects

4. Executables
Executable                      Module                          Purpose
GeoModeller.exe                 Base                            geological editor - main tool
GeoModellerbatch                Base                            batch engine
invbatch                        Potential Fields                stochastic 3D inversion
vfilt                           Potential Fields                voxet FFT forward modelling
Mtdyke                          Potential Fields                dyke forward modelling
wormE                           InterpretationC                 multi-scale edge detection
Air_Lay_Inv                     EM                              1D EM inversion
Moksha                          EM                              2.5D EM forward modelling and inversion
MPI_Air_EM_Line_Inversion       EM                              1D EM inversion calculation manager
voxet_to_mesh                   EM                              utility to convert formats
mpiexec                         Base - utility                  MPI controller
visual                          Base - utility                  general geophysics grid viewer
BugReport                       Base - utility                  utility to send back bug reports
smpd                            Base - utility                  system deamon for MPI
vtp2pdf3d                       Base - utility                  convert vtk objects to pdf
las2csv                         Base - utility                  convert LAS borehole to csv format
ExportEarthVisionFaults         Base - utility                  convert faults to Earth Vison format
ExportSeismicPoints             Base - utility                  convert seismic points
V4.0.8 fixes
GMBTA-4429: Unequal number of cells for x and y using forward model temperature causes it to fail
GeoModeller: 2d gis import zero thinning fix
Check validity of section name on creation

已经开始提供3D SEGY,但是,到目前为止,在测试期间,我们还没有设法预测可能遇到的所有格式变化。已经深度转换的2D SEGY文件应导入并创建一个以地震痕迹为背景的剖面。
一个完全修订的教程A加上一个不完整的EM教程正在发货。 EM教程数据必须解压缩。重力/磁力学教程(是E)是很先进的,但没有足够的完成状态来取代以前的版本。
5、现在支持张量网格。完全形成的势场梯度张量以及双水平张量Falcon格式在MeshGrids,Forward和Inverse情况以及Results Explorer中都受支持。为此,使用由线ERMapper网格格式的简单6波段间隔。标准组件顺序为XX,XY,XZ,YY,YZ,ZZ。
猎鹰订单是Auv,Ane,Null,Null,Bne,Buv *此版本对多线程和MPI的支持显着增加。
6、WormE。 Geomodeller可以从适当的地球物理网格中获得生成重力/或磁性数据集蠕虫的选项。该选项可在地球物理学下找到。该工具是单独许可的,您可以进行评估。
结构越深,“蠕虫”就越明显和延长。新版本geomodeller 2014支持批量导入有限3D故障,由此工具根据标准重力计算。每次故障估计倾斜很多次。
在V6.0 Intrepid中支持FTG网格进行倾角计算,目前还没有。


全面的反演后产品,包括地质 - 几何和岩石属性的量化不确定性                                                                                                    
GeoModeller反演方法是非确定性的。反演持续超出令人满意的低失配水平(参考设定精度的观测地球物理学) - 探索和保持一系列允许模型,并根据地质 - 几何和岩石属性的概率提供这些模型的蒸馏统计数据。
作为GeoModeller-Base的附加装置,可以出售一维机载EM反转模块。此外,我们为机载EM 2.5D倒置提供新服务(Moksha模块不出售)
2.5D EM反演的电阻率voxet和剖面输出 - 显示在GeoModeller工作空间中,可用于地质解释,并与所有其他地质和地球物理数据(地图,剖面,钻孔,异常网格,地震剖面等)集成



在Import-> Grid和Mesh-> 2D Grid下将网格导入GeoModeller
在左侧面板中,导航到网格和网格 - > YourGridName-> YourChannelName->右键单击 - >字段可视化管理器
为SurfaceTopography选择View on Section
注意:GeoModeller仅接受Depth SEGY文件,不支持TWT SEGY文件。
要在GeoModeller中导入SEGY,请转到Section-> Create from SEGY



只看该作者 31 发表于: 2024-03-16 11:08:00

只看该作者 30 发表于: 2024-03-11 19:18:37

只看该作者 29 发表于: 2024-03-08 09:36:20

只看该作者 28 发表于: 2024-01-25 14:16:19

只看该作者 27 发表于: 2023-06-27 14:38:56

只看该作者 26 发表于: 2023-06-26 14:45:25

只看该作者 25 发表于: 2023-06-19 10:27:06

只看该作者 24 发表于: 2023-05-19 13:08:37

只看该作者 23 发表于: 2023-05-19 08:46:48